The promotion of luxury goods is slightly different from the classic marketing of mid- or low-end products. The target group targeted by sales and image campaigns are often people who choose selected media, who are difficult to reach and who value their privacy. Reaching them with a credible message is often a challenge for marketing agencies.

At present, the Millennium Group is responsible for the purchase of over 30% of luxury goods, i.e. people born in the 1980s and 1990s. According to expert predictions, it is this group that will have a significant impact on the development of the market for exclusive goods in the coming years. It is the Millennium Group that will change the market in the near future, and its share in the purchase of goods may increase to 50%. in the next five years.

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    Good One to polska grupa marketingowo - doradcza, która kompleksowo wspiera marki w efektywnym osiąganiu celów wizerunkowych oraz sprzedażowych. Good One to ludzie, wartości oraz profesjonalne usługi z zakresu komunikacji marketingowej. Tworzymy nowe marki oraz wspieramy te już istniejące poprzez skuteczne działania z zakresu public relations, social media, digital marketingu, kampanii SEO, SEM oraz reklamy.


    Edwarda Jelinka 38, 01- 646 Warszawa


    +48 22 392 95 85

