Customers associated with new technologies have for many years been particularly ranked among the brands supported by Good One. A large percentage of brands associated with the technology industry are software houses and startups. Using our many years of knowledge, we improve their communication, recommend effective promotional solutions, successfully target lead and sales campaigns, testing new channels of reaching new customers.

Each time we support projects, we reach for innovative ideas and are happy to put them into practice and communicate with our clients. The technology industry is the one that reaches for such solutions relatively often – it analyses, tests a lot, is not afraid to take a different path than the competition. In our daily work we introduce new brands to the market, we cooperate with industry influencers and together with the Client we deepen our knowledge in the fields of electronics, IoT, Robotization, automation, SaaS or AI.

Our experience

Are you from the new technology sector?

Our Clients’ stories

Switch The Language

    Good One to polska grupa marketingowo - doradcza, która kompleksowo wspiera marki w efektywnym osiąganiu celów wizerunkowych oraz sprzedażowych. Good One to ludzie, wartości oraz profesjonalne usługi z zakresu komunikacji marketingowej. Tworzymy nowe marki oraz wspieramy te już istniejące poprzez skuteczne działania z zakresu public relations, social media, digital marketingu, kampanii SEO, SEM oraz reklamy.


    Edwarda Jelinka 38, 01- 646 Warszawa


    +48 22 392 95 85

