In 2020, the trade sector was faced with a significant scale of challenges, both operational, sales and investment.  The number of brands that have moved into e-commerce in the retail sector has increased significantly. Our customers were also among them. Good One actively responds to market changes, accompanying brands in their technological transformation and beyond.  In our daily work with the Retail & Ecommerce industry we address the issues of sustainable development, sales models, logistics processes and user experience.

We are responsible for recommendations and further implementation of many projects strengthening the importance of the brand on Polish and foreign markets. We coordinate loyalty programmes, consumer actions and key partnerships. We also provide support in customer service, from running social and expert profiles to acting as a company spokesperson.  Our role is also to support the implementation of innovative solutions within the organisation.

Our experience

Retail and e-commerce is your sector?

Our Clients’ stories

Switch The Language

    Good One to polska grupa marketingowo - doradcza, która kompleksowo wspiera marki w efektywnym osiąganiu celów wizerunkowych oraz sprzedażowych. Good One to ludzie, wartości oraz profesjonalne usługi z zakresu komunikacji marketingowej. Tworzymy nowe marki oraz wspieramy te już istniejące poprzez skuteczne działania z zakresu public relations, social media, digital marketingu, kampanii SEO, SEM oraz reklamy.


    Edwarda Jelinka 38, 01- 646 Warszawa


    +48 22 392 95 85

