The value of the crowdfunding market is growing at a dizzying rate. Poles are massively involved in collections, both public and private. The popularity of social financing involves a larger number of shareholders each year.  However, there is a visible difference compared to other foreign markets – their value in 2020 has increased to the level of $8.5 billion, maintaining high growth dynamics.

Crowd funding solutions are used by both new entrants, ambitious startups and brands operating on the market for many years.  In 2020, the total number of campaigns related to raising funds from shareholders exceeded 10 million.  The campaigns and collections we coordinate are always conducted comprehensively. We support brands in creating crowdfunding strategies, we work together on the key communication message.

Our experience

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Switch The Language

    Good One to polska grupa marketingowo - doradcza, która kompleksowo wspiera marki w efektywnym osiąganiu celów wizerunkowych oraz sprzedażowych. Good One to ludzie, wartości oraz profesjonalne usługi z zakresu komunikacji marketingowej. Tworzymy nowe marki oraz wspieramy te już istniejące poprzez skuteczne działania z zakresu public relations, social media, digital marketingu, kampanii SEO, SEM oraz reklamy.


    Edwarda Jelinka 38, 01- 646 Warszawa


    +48 22 392 95 85

