The fashion sector in Poland is currently one of the largest and most attractive markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Consumers love online shopping, online style advisors and applications that create product recommendations based on existing purchases.  The digital revolution has made a dramatic change in the fashion industry, positively influencing the quality of customer service.

At Good One, we are constantly updated with solutions that improve our customers’ business. We observe the fashion inspirations of Poles, create the latest trends together with the supported brands and publicise responsible production. We optimise online shops, describe the latest products in an attractive way, take care of the most effective placement of current collections using social channels, PR communication and influencer marketing.

Our experience

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    Good One to polska grupa marketingowo - doradcza, która kompleksowo wspiera marki w efektywnym osiąganiu celów wizerunkowych oraz sprzedażowych. Good One to ludzie, wartości oraz profesjonalne usługi z zakresu komunikacji marketingowej. Tworzymy nowe marki oraz wspieramy te już istniejące poprzez skuteczne działania z zakresu public relations, social media, digital marketingu, kampanii SEO, SEM oraz reklamy.


    Edwarda Jelinka 38, 01- 646 Warszawa


    +48 22 392 95 85

